Saturday, February 11, 2017

@All the DICKS in Politics & #trumpootinAmericaLAST

The next time somebody with a government job, & a stick up their ass, sez dumb shit like, "Voting Rights are so intrusive & unnecessary, so we'll just get rid of those silly old things,...for you." Now don't listen to what they're saying, but think about what they said,...who REALLY benefits from this action? They said it was for us, the voting public, but even a blind man can see that's bullshit. So then who? Well, getting rid of Voting Rights means "voter suppression" which the Republitools constantly tell us doesn't exist. Voter Suppression means fewer hours to get to the fewer voting places where you will need something to prove who you are, that you will have to drive far, far away, to spend money you can't spare so that you can fight your way through the crowd of Redneck Republinazis who are there to make sure no dead people or "illegals", or brown people, or not-Republigoons, try to vote, because they might vote for that other guy who does not love the Lord properly. So stealing your right to vote so the Republickums can win is NOT really for your benefit, but for them!
 The next time some dumbass DICK tells you that denying women's rights to birth control, abortion, and any one of the many, many, many ways Republiscum try to hold women down, think long and hard about who will actually benefit from these medieval rules & regulations. Republifools are CONSTANTLY bitching & moaning about how there's too much government, always whining about how government is all up in their business, etc., etc., etc. But apparently crawling up inside my uterus, or keeping tabs on my monthly periods, or allowing me to go to a healthcare provider that I trust and can afford (Family Planning) is O-FVCKING-K, because they are doing it "for OUR own good"!! Now after your done rolling on the floor with laughter, get up, wipe the hilarious tears from your eyes, and tell those dirty rotten liars aka Republitools to keep their fvcking PUSSY-GRABBING money-grubbing, mitts off your ass & out of your pussy!! And don't forget to tell those limp-dick losers that you're doing it for their own damn good!
 And then there's #FVCKKKtrump, the original pussy-grabbing  pathologically-lying, continuously-insane, outrageously orange, dumbass dick that is currently making Americans Afraid Again! #trumpootinAmericaLast  All those "promises" were his way to cheat himself into the white house, and now we're watching him strip everything good that we fought so hard to accomplish. #FVCKtrump's dickpixx for cabinet jobs are literally  people who DO NOT believe in the things they are supposed to protect (EPA, Protection of Federal Lands from drilling, Protecting workers, Dept. of Health & Human Services, Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, etc. etc.etc.), but instead are being appointed by #FVCKtrump to dismantle & destroy our American rights, our protections against Psychos like #trumpticularCancer. Every move he's made so far is find ways to make himself, his family & friends mo money, mo money, mo money!! He conned a FEW Americans, in just the right states to elect him "for their own good", but he is the father of all lies, the lord of the flies now he's grabbing America by the pussy!!